There are a few things that, as an author, make you feel like you need to pinch yourself. Being invited on BBC Radio 4’s Open Book is one of those things.
The show has been running for decades, and is a real rite of passage. There’s no point listing the prominent authors who’ve been on it, because we’d be here all day.
That’s why, when I was asked to go on, I did just that – pinched myself. Then I said a very hearty ‘Yes’ and made my way to BBC Broadcasting House in London to record.
You can listen to the episode I’m featured in, which aired on Sunday 9th October, here. Hosted by the wonderful Octavia Bright, it’s a chat about grief, male friendship and modern masculinity between me and Michael Pedersen, author of Boy Friends.
You can catch our conversation at about 11:40 minutes in, right after an interview with Little Fires Everywhere author Celeste Ng.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I (clearly) did.